
Filtering by: “Armidale”

Armidale founder meet-up

Armidale founder meet-up

Join us with Anna Barwick OAM, one of our inspiring regional founders and the brain behind PharmOnline. Anna was recently awarded the Medal of Order of Australia for her work in rural healthcare, and she'll be sharing her startup journey with us.

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Women in STEM

Women in STEM

The evening includes the launch of the Society’s New England North West Branch, followed by two short talks, respectively presented by Dr Amy Moss and Dr Marissa Betts on the theme of ‘Women in STEM’, and a panel session.

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Futures Series: Astronomy Arvo with Prof. Fred Watson

Futures Series: Astronomy Arvo with Prof. Fred Watson

Tomorrow’s Universe – The Discoveries that will Change Science

Get ready for an afternoon of stargazing and cosmic exploration with the renowned Prof. Fred Watson.

Astronomy today is going through a golden age with amazing new facilities exploring the Universe. The James Webb Space Telescope is re-writing the textbook on baby galaxies, while gravitational wave observatories are detecting vibrations in space caused by colliding black holes.

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We're looking for businesses that are ready for a thought-provoking and strategic approach to growth to take the final available places on our Step-Change Program. The program is specifically designed for business founders, owners, and operators in the NENW region who are ready to explore new avenues for growth for their business.

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The funding game for start ups.

The funding game for start ups.

Know the game you are playing. Explore popular startup funding models with Yaniv Bernstein & Scotty Allen!

Whether you are - starting, growing, or scaling a business, you need $$$.

So, do you…Get funding? Apply for grants? Bootstrap?

Join two of the world’s leading start-up founders at this interactive evening event @ NOVA.

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HATCH Express

HATCH Express

Are you curious about starting or growing your own business?

Join us for the "Start a Business in a Day", a hands-on session to get you thinking about your idea and what it will take to launch.

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