Social Co House
Opening in 2023, the Social Co House developed through a visionary partnership between Moree Plains Shire Council, the University of New England and local business owner Tyler Macey. The Social Co House will continue in that spirit, as a physical and intellectual space for collaboration and opportunity – Moree’s own incubator. The building is a prominent feature on Moree’s main street and includes a flexible range of office, event, media and meeting rooms.
A progressive and dynamic town situated at the heart of NSW's northern wheatbelt and recognised nationally as Australia's Artesian Spa Capital. Ideally nestled on the New South Wales and Queensland border, Moree is a town rich in culture, heritage, agriculture and natural assets with each component intertwining to define the characteristics of both the town and the community.
Featured founder
Yuurraa Tea is considered the most valued Indigenous Australian beverage. The tea is primarily derived from the leaves of the Eremophilia Sp., which is unique to inland Australia. This ancient herbal tea was widely used and traded among Aboriginal Communities, through a culture that reaches back in time beyond 40,000 years.
Upcoming events
“In the early days of a new enterprise, each step forward is a win. A community of entrepreneurs and new founders know the true value of these wins and that when we collaborate, it means new possibilities and opportunities, new economies and new jobs.”
The best ideas come from thoughtful and attentive conversation with those who experience a problem or challenge. This is how we can discover the best solutions.
Ideas often grow in hard ground. With new ways of thinking and research, gaps and grooves appear in places where things haven’t grown before and new ideas can take root. Sometimes these hard places change our concepts and sometimes we change the ground. Although beginnings can be tenuous, as we break new ground others can grow in our protecting shade.
UNE SRI: Connect to an ecosystem of opportunity