Phoebe Wood, NSW Rural Women Leadership Scholarship

Phoebe Wood, UNE SRI Regional Connector in Moree has been awarded one of 24 NSW Rural Women Leadership Scholarships through Future Women, funded by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Women, Regional Health and Mental Health.

The one-year scholarship program began with Phoebe attending the Future Women Leadership Summit in Sydney on 7 & 8 March, as part of the 2022 NSW Women’s Week celebrations.

Phoebe reflects on her award, and the event in Sydney:

“The 2 day Leadership Summit had a beautifully diverse range of leaders, speakers, panel discussions, Q&A sessions and networking opportunities.

Meeting the other women from across NSW was a pleasure and an inspiration! Getting to learn about their ambitions, work and family lives, not to mention the many community endeavours they are involved with, the fabulous startups they are working on, or the Councils they are representing as female leaders. Being a part of a group helping women to connect, lead and learn across regional NSW aligns with my core values and career goals.

I’d like to share as much knowledge as I can, in addition to encouraging other women to apply for future scholarship opportunities.”

If you’d like to start a conversation with Phoebe about the scholarship experience or the Future Women organisation, don’t hesitate to reach out


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