Entrepreneurs Leverage Program underway in Moree

After two false starts due to COVID restrictions, University of New England (UNE) SMART Region Incubator’s Entrepreneurs' Leverage Program has commenced in Moree.

Expert in Residence, Mandy Walker joined 15 business leaders for a three-and-a-half-day program at the Max Centre Ballroom. This October session was the beginning of a 12-month program connecting decision makers from regional businesses – from start-ups to established businesses, and across a range of industries.

According to UNE SMART Region Incubator’s Regional Connector in Moree, Anna Harrison, the diversity in the group made for a dynamic and interesting cohort, and great conversations.

“Participants were challenged to shift their mindset to enable better business growth,” Ms Harrison said.

“Mandy engaged the group with a game. They learned to play 100 full tilt, and were reminded that ‘games are often a reflection of behaviour’.”

“Who would have thought that a game starting at 6am would get these keen business owners moving? The quiet streets of Moree came alive every morning with a rush of latecomers not wanting to let their team down!”

Topics including goal setting, mindset awareness, critical thinking, cash flow, sales and marketing, and base line data were discussed - presented to the group in a fun and interactive way.

Having completed this first session, the Moree cohort will set their 90-day plan, and join a 'buddy' group to keep each other accountable for their actions and delivery.

The powerful message they have taken with them is, “You can have results, or reasons why you didn't achieve it. Pick one!"

The Entrepreneurs' Leverage Program is proudly funded by the Australian Government Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program, and brought to Moree through the UNE SMART Region Incubator and Moree Plains Shire Council.


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