Ian Mason in Moree to share expertise

University of New England SMART Region Incubator (UNE SRI) Expert in Residence, Ian Mason shared his expertise with business leaders, entrepreneurs and others during a series of events over three days in Moree.

“We were very glad that Ian successfully crossed the border to arrive in time for ‘Souped Up Sunday’, on 17 October,” said Phoebe Wood, UNE SRI Moree.

“Young professionals from diverse industries (health, arts and agriculture) benefited by being part of a small group. Ian was able to explore concepts relevant to each of the participants - allowing many ‘deep dives’ into their current and future business ideas.”

The group explored concepts including: Idea validation board; Unique value proposition; Jobs, pains and gains; and Personas.

“The day’s activities wrapped up at the Golf Club – drinks, dinner, and the opportunity to enjoy a Moree highlight, sunset over the golf course!”

Monday’s ‘Creative Know How’ workshop at TAFE NSW Moree attracted students and teachers from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts, Applied Fashion Design, and Technology courses.

“It was great to also welcome a creative from Narrabri, and know that our workshops and courses are reaching further afield,” Phoebe said.

“Participants learned how to ‘build a brand’, engage with customers, and promote creative products by thinking more about what our buyer needs and how they feel, rather than focusing on our skill in the amazing products we sell.”

“In the afternoon, we were welcomed to Miyay Birray Youth Services for an engaging session with six creative and entertainment start-ups.”

“Ian focused on the idea validation board. He spent time listening to ideas and stories about business journeys, and encouraged owners by reminding them that their products are unique and that they should reach for their highest goals.”

The SRI team enjoyed Monday dinner at Maslina with Moree business owners, a Moree Plains Shire Council member and two SRI experts in residence, Ian Mason and Mandy Walker, “Conversation was flowing and the group left on an entrepreneurial high!”

The Ian Mason Series concluded with the Entrepreneurs’ Breakfast at Brooker Trading Co on Tuesday morning. Ian shared his professional journey, including some interesting stories about his work with Sir Richard Branson in the UK as Head of Development for Virgin Start Ups.

“There were some great questions and discussions after the presentation, and people left feeling motivated and inspired to start their Tuesday morning in Moree!”

The Ian Mason Series provided opportunities for people to realise not only their value, but their potential. Business leaders, entrepreneurs and others came away with a sense of the next steps for their start up ideas, community involvement and impactful businesses.


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