The Monthly MeetUp is a regular opportunity for the UNE SRI community to gather and connect - with each other, and with the broader ecosystem.
October is Indigenous Business Month, Small Business Month, and Mental Health Month - three great reasons to gather and connect at NOVA!
This month two UNE SRI founders will share their founder stories, the work they do in the health space, and provide us with some great reminders of the importance of healthy habits for good mental health:
Emer Fahey (The Sunrise Collection)
Jemimah Hiscox (Moved Armidale)
We are also very glad to be welcoming special guest Carol Vale (CEO, Murawin) to NOVA for the MeetUp. She will be in Armidale to deliver the 2023 Frank Archibald Memorial Lecture that night ‘The Power of Business to Drive Economic and Social Change within Indigenous Communities'.
A light lunch will be provided at this event.