Industry Connect Relaunch

University of New England’s (UNE) popular Industry Connect program connects students and alumni with employers in the New England North West region.

UNE Industry Connect aims to create a space where students and business can engage, expand and explore opportunities throughout the region by sharing jobs, work experience, scholarships or internships that businesses might have with our students and alumni.

The UNE SMART Region Incubator (SRI) is helping to ensure that UNE Industry Connect is available at this critical time when business across the New England North West need talent.

Connecting students and alumni with employers in the New England North West

Connecting students and alumni with employers in the New England North West

Industry Connect is led by Phoebe Wood, UNE SRI Startup Connector based in Moree.

“We invite our community to engage with us as we work towards creating a central space for businesses and industry to connect and grow their talented workforce,” Ms Wood said.

“UNE Industry Connect will enable students, alumni and industry to connect through news, stories and podcasts, and to share opportunities by fostering close connections with industry.

“Industry Connect will have the capacity to share events relevant to the industry connections across the region, in addition to running professional development courses either through UNE SRI or with external providers”.

“The UNE SRI works with startups and established business founders to bring solutions to market within the Agricultural, Creative, Environment, Financial, Education and Health industries. Business within these industries need talent to grow their enterprises and where better than to start with the talent pool from UNE,” she said.

If you have any questions please get in contact with Phoebe Wood, Moree Start-up Connector on, visit or


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