‘Entrepreneurship in Regional Communities’ book launched

On Friday 18 February, UNE SMART Region Incubator hosted the launch of a book titled 'Entrepreneurship in Regional Communities: Exploring the Relevance of Embeddedness, Networking, Empowerment and Communitarian Values', by Sujana Adapa, Alison Sheridan, and Subba Reddy Yarram.

Some of the key findings highlight that regional business is embedded in community, with regional entrepreneurs enthusiastic about growth of their business, eager to make a difference and play a key role in making a change in their communities.

This communitarian approach is reflected in different bioregions within the regions, with strong connections to place shared by both nascent founders and established founders.

Professor Alison Sheridan noted that over the last 15 years there has been a strengthening of formal business networks, especially amongst established regional businesses. These networks strengthen the innovation ecosystem within the New England North West and work to buffer the major shocks being experienced by business through drought, bushfire and covid related shocks.


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